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Who Can and Can’t Wear Pixiu Bracelets?

pixiu bracelets

Pixiu bracelets have gained popularity not only for their aesthetic appeal but also for their believed ability to attract wealth and ward off negative energies. However, the practice of wearing these bracelets isn’t suitable for everyone. In this blog, we will delve into the types of individuals who should avoid wearing Pixiu bracelets and those for whom it’s a favorable choice.

Who Should Avoid Wearing Pixiu Bracelets?

  1. Children: Pixiu’s main purpose is to attract wealth, which might not be relevant for young children. Moreover, Pixiu’s energetic nature could potentially overwhelm a child’s delicate constitution. Due to their playful nature, kids might inadvertently mishandle the bracelet, diminishing its protective qualities. Therefore, children under the age of 12 are advised against wearing Pixiu bracelets.
  2. Elderly Individuals: Similar to children, elderly individuals often have weaker constitutions, making it difficult for them to harness Pixiu’s energy. The vigorous nature of Pixiu might even cause harm to their health. Instead, elderly individuals are encouraged to opt for milder and more soothing accessories like jade Buddha pendants or amulets.
  3. Women During Menstruation and Pregnancy: Pixiu’s characteristics of accumulating energy and not releasing it clashes with the natural bodily processes of menstruation. Wearing Pixiu during menstruation is discouraged due to its traditional associations with blood-related taboos. Pregnant women are also advised against wearing Pixiu, as its fierce energy might not align well with the vulnerable state of both the mother and the unborn child.
  4. Individuals with Digestive Issues: Pixiu’s nature of accumulating wealth energy doesn’t resonate well with individuals who suffer from digestive problems. The bracelet might exacerbate their conditions. Therefore, individuals with digestive issues should prioritize their health and avoid wearing Pixiu bracelets.
  5. Individuals with Malicious Intent: Pixiu is known to protect and bless those with pure intentions. Individuals harboring ill will or negative thoughts are warned against wearing Pixiu, as the creature’s energy might backfire, causing harm rather than protection.
  6. People Born in the Year of the Tiger: There’s an ongoing debate about whether individuals born in the Year of the Tiger should wear Pixiu. Considering the traditional enmity between tigers and Pixiu, it’s generally recommended that those born in the Year of the Tiger refrain from wearing Pixiu to avoid potential conflicts of energy.

Who Should Consider Wearing Pixiu Bracelets?

The following the Chinese zodiac are more suitable fo wearing pixiu:

  1. Rat: Individuals born under the Rat sign, characterized by intelligence and diligence, are believed to benefit from Pixiu’s energy. Red agate Pixiu bracelets are recommended for this group.
  2. Ox: People born under the Ox sign, known for their practical and steadfast nature, can harness Pixiu’s energy through jade Pixiu bracelets. The calming nature of jade complements their personality well.
  3. Rabbit: Individuals born under the Rabbit sign, known for their agility and quick thinking, can amplify their advantages by wearing Pixiu bracelets. The playful and lively nature of the Rabbit aligns with Pixiu’s energy.
  4. Dragon: Contrary to the traditional conflict, Dragons can successfully wear Pixiu bracelets, as Pixiu’s energy complements their inherent traits.
  5. Snake: The strong-willed and idealistic Snake sign can benefit from the protective and wealth-attracting qualities of Pixiu.
  6. Horse: With their honest and loyal nature, Horses can find Pixiu’s protective abilities beneficial.
  7. Sheep/Goat: The gentle and hesitant Sheep can balance their traits by wearing Pixiu, enhancing their overall luck and fortune.
  8. Monkey: Monkeys’ intelligence and pursuit of quality in life align well with the money-drawing nature of Pixiu.
  9. Rooster: Pixiu can help Roosters, who are typically cautious and conservative, develop a more positive and open mindset.
  10. Dog: Dogs’ sense of justice and their susceptibility to ill intentions can find protection through Pixiu’s energy.
  11. Pig: Pigs’ relaxed and easily influenced nature can be uplifted by Pixiu’s energy, promoting a positive and proactive mindset.


Pixiu bracelets hold immense cultural and spiritual significance, and their suitability varies based on individual characteristics and circumstances. Understanding who should and shouldn’t wear Pixiu bracelets ensures that you make a well-informed choice that aligns with your own energies and intentions. As with any cultural symbol, it’s important to respect the traditions and beliefs associated with it while making choices that resonate with your own beliefs and values.